20 gennaio 2024: «Reminiscenze in bottiglia»

January 20, 2024: «Reminiscences in a bottle»

«Reminiscences in a bottle»: the Golem on «SPIRITOdiVINO» by Leila Salimbeni

This is how its creator defines the Classic method born in the vineyard and formed in the bottle, entirely, without any other element than the grape and the light that it has introjected. Not a bubble, therefore, but the natural transformation of an individual and therefore universal experience induced by man, who has the sole task of identifying a container for this liquid which, like all Giorgio Mercandelli's artefacts, has the purity of waterfall. As for the other elements that are usually attributed to wine (structure, acidity, salinity, balance, body), they appear like a threadbare, artificial forcing. ...

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